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[MacPerl] Text::CSV_XS revisited

If anybody is interested, I've been digging through Text::CSV_XS.  It
specifically looks for \012 and \015, and has different recognition states
for each.  I am looking at trying to generate a Mac patch for it.  Am I
right in thinking that the last line of a DOS file has the \015 but not a
\012?  Are there other places where solitary \012s or \015s might occur in
a DOS text file?

I don't understand the recognition engine (FSM) quite well enough to
decide whether it could handle a Unix file (\012 only, right?).  I don't
think it can.  

I'm not sure why passing a DOS-formatted text file to it fails...It
apparently uses getline() to grab chunks of the file, but the recognition
engine goes byte by byte and should see every character regardless of how
the buffer is filled.

I think it is possible that Text::CSV_XS might work under Unix on a DOS
text file, since getline() under Unix will still have \015\012 together,
while on the Mac \012 is in the next line.  But I don't know, yet.


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