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[MacPerl] New Unicode Module Binaries

Unicode-Map8-0.08 and Unicode-String-2.04 binaries are making their way
through CPAN. Give it a day or two, and the link you find on


will get those for you. Alternatively, the older ones are still available
on CPAN under authors/id/A/AS/ASANDSTRM.

Incidentally, if you obtain either, the tarball name says UCS as opposed
to Unicode. Filename length considerations. Not to worry. :-)

The 170-odd encoding files in Unicode-Map8 are done up 2 different ways.
They are individually MacBinarized in the original folder; and in the
:blib:lib folder they are set up as a Stuffit archive. I am not
guaranteeing that 'installme' will work with this setup, although
'untarzipme' will (with LOTS of RAM), but one way or the other you should
be able to get stuff where it should go. Refer to the README or email me
to complain.

Arved Sandstrom

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