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[MacPerl] Off topic quest for help

Sorry for posting this off-topic item in this forum, but
I tried to do it on the "forum" list and I never saw it
appear, so suspect that it never made it... Please keep
replies private, to prevent further pollution of this

My company, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that I
had things too easy, so in order to add a bit of chaos
and undermine my effectiveness they have switched my Mac
with an NT laptop. I'm not too pleased, but learning to
make the best of it. I thought you guys might be able to
help me out since a number of you seem to have some cross
platform experience. I loaded up ActiveState Perl and that
seems to be working OK. I didn't find anything that looks
remotely like a pod reader - can someone suggest one?
Also, I found an editor that seems pretty decent, called
UltraEdit, but I just wanted to see if there were any
other recommendations before I plop down my $30 shareware
fee. UltraEdit supports pretty decent modes for perl, html,
and a few others, but it doesn't interact with ActivePerl
in any specific way... guess I'm just spoiled.

I would appreciate any recommendations, advice, or general
consolations that might make my new lifestyle at work a
little easier to tolerate... meanwhile, back at the ranch I
continue to be a devout Macintosh / MacPerl guy...


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