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[MacPerl] Glue Question


I need some advice on how to debug a problem I'm having with Glue and
DeltaGraph.  In a nutshell, what I'm doing is firing up DeltaGraph, telling
it to grab data out of a tab-delimited file, pointing its output to  a jpeg
file, then telling it to graph the data.

DeltaGraph provided a sample Applescript, which I used as my template for
creating my Glue script.  I managed to translate everything across
successfully, but, for some reason, the output to jpeg bit doesn't work.
Here are the relevant bits:

Applescript statement:
Output JPEG to file "Mercatone Uno:Desktop Folder:output.jpg" --set output
type and location; this line is required
Glue equivalent:
my $output_file = $obj->obj(file => "Mercatone Uno:Desktop
$obj->output(enum('jpeg'), to_file => $output_file);
Being a novice both to Glue and Applescript, I'm not sure how to logically
proceed in debugging this.  Any hints?


Bob Branick, Client Systems Group Leader, <http://www.barclaysglobal.com/>
email: <mailto:robert.branick@barclaysglobal.com>

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