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Re: [MacPerl] Glue Question

At 10:14 -0700 1999.09.16, Branick, Robert  BGI SF wrote:
>Applescript statement:
>Output JPEG to file "Mercatone Uno:Desktop Folder:output.jpg" --set output
>type and location; this line is required
>Glue equivalent:
>my $output_file = $obj->obj(file => "Mercatone Uno:Desktop
>$obj->output(enum('jpeg'), to_file => $output_file);
>Being a novice both to Glue and Applescript, I'm not sure how to logically
>proceed in debugging this.  Any hints?

Can you send me the POD for the DeltaGraph glue, or post the relevant
sections to the list?

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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