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Re: [MacPerl] Off topic quest for help

[In a message on Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:03:04 EDT,
	"schinder@pobox.COM" wrote:]
>On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 08:41:45AM -0500, Jay Bedsole wrote:
>} My company, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that I
>} had things too easy, so in order to add a bit of chaos
>} and undermine my effectiveness they have switched my Mac
>} with an NT laptop. I'm not too pleased, but learning to
>There is a cure for NT that's quite easy to apply.  To give just a few
>These, of course, come with *much* better software than you can find
>on NT.

Also, with Sun's releasing StarOffice for free, that's a big help in
making the switch (as well as free Solaris x86 for non-commercial


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