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[MacPerl] FW: Mail failure


>To: Bill Jones <bill@fccjmail.fccj.cc.fl.us>
>Subject: Mail failure
>Date: Mon, Sep 20, 1999, 12:26 PM

> [002] Un message destiné à des adresses inconnues a été reçu .
> Le message n'a pas été remis à
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Microsoft Mail v3.0 (MAPI 1.0 Transport) IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
> De: Bill Jones
> A:  MacPerl list
> Objet:  Re: [MacPerl] Jokers
> Date: 1999-09-20 16:35
> Niveau de priorité: 3
> Identification du message: 93C21FFA3B6FD311897300805FCB6BE0
>> #!perl
>> # "Jokers" v1.5 (used to be "Stand-up Comic")
>> #  by David Seay <g-s@navix.net>
>> #
>> # November 1999
>> #
> November, huh?  Where have I been???
> I lost October somewhere...
>  -Sneex-  :]
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