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Re: [MacPerl] Problem autoloading IO::Handle

At 20:51 1999-09-21 -0400, Paul J. Schinder wrote:
>At 2:28 PM +0100 9/21/99, Peter Westlake wrote:
>>Ah, so it's looking for an open method on an IO::Handle object?
>>A suspicion dawns ... regardless of what Certain Other Platforms
>>may do, perhaps MacPerl's STDOUT is not a FileHandle! Here's the
>>code, which works on Windows NT:
>Apparently not.  MacPerl seems to think it's a IO::Handle.  Perl 
>5.005_03 on Solaris seems to think it's a FileHandle.  Perl 5.004_05 
>on HP-UX seems to think it's a FileHandle.  You'll have to do it the 
>old fashioned way, I guess.

That worked, once I'd remembered what the old-fashioned way was!
I changed STDOUT->open(...) to open(STDOUT, ...) and that did it;
none of the other method calls needed changing.



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