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Re: [MacPerl] Does "require" work in MacPerl?


You wrote:

> Here's an odd thing:
>     require 'URI::URL.pm';
> does not work, saying that the file could not be found in
> @INC, but
>     use 'URI::URL';
> does work.

Here's an excerpt from perlmod that may help explain why:

> The two statements: 
>    require SomeModule;
>    require "SomeModule.pm";            
> differ from each other in two ways. In the first case, any
> double colons in the module name, such as Some::Module, are
> translated into your system's directory separator, usually
> ``/''. The second case does not, and would have to be
> specified literally...

(I left off the second difference, because it's not relevant.)

Hope this clears things up for you.


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