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Re: [MacPerl] chineese scroll

In article <9529821@isis.reed.edu>, Nicholas.G.Thornton@directory.reed.edu (Nicholas G. Thornton) writes:
> One of the current projects my department is trying to do is take a 30ft
> chineese scroll and (due to its exquisit artwork) make such that you can scroll
> through it on a lower resolution and click on an area to see a high res pict of
> that site. Preferable from one application and invisible to the user.

> It will likely be done on a kiosk type network (rather than being local or over
> internet). the high res images all add up to 9GB or so.

> One idea was to make a quicktime movie to deal with the scrolling; but the res
> is horrid for the close ups.

I'm sure it would be an interesting Perl project, but have you considered
QuickTime VR (with lots of active regions where a click takes you to an
enlarged view) ?


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
  "And that's why I am going to turn this world upside down, and make
   of it a fire so *bright* that someone real will notice"
                                -- Vernor Vinge, _Tatja Grimm's World_

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