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[MacPerl] chineese scroll

One of the current projects my department is trying to do is take a 30ft chineese scroll and (due to its exquisit artwork) make such that you can scroll through it on a lower resolution and click on an area to see a high res pict of that site. Preferable from one application and invisible to the user.

It will likely be done on a kiosk type network (rather than being local or over internet). the high res images all add up to 9GB or so.

One idea was to make a quicktime movie to deal with the scrolling; but the res is horrid for the close ups. My idea is using perl to segment the images.
1) as you scroll the server sends the next "slice" of the low res picture.
2) when you click on say x50,y300 you get a slice of the high res picture +/-50 pixels from the click point (numbers are of course arbitrary)

The question:: How feasable is this for a solution and how could I go about "slicing" the picture up?

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