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Re: [MacPerl] Does "require" work in MacPerl?

At 09:00 1999-09-22 -0400, Paul J. Schinder wrote:
>At 1:31 PM +0100 9/22/99, Peter Westlake wrote:
>>Here's an odd thing:
>>    require 'URI::URL.pm';
>>does not work, saying that the file could not be found in @INC, but
>You just don't realize what it's looking for.  Since you gave it a 
>package name, it appends a .pm and looks for a file :URI:URL.pm.pm in 
>@INC.  That's not what you want.  You simply want
>require 'URI::URL';
>and most of us would leave the quotes off.

I should hope so, because the above form doesn't work either!

>require URI::URL;

This does work, and so does Alan's

  require 'URI/URL.pm';

In conclusion, this does look like a genuine bug in XML::Parser,
so I shall report it to the author.

Thank you,


>>    use 'URI::URL';
>>does work. The URI folder is in the standard place, @INC is correct,
>>and so on. Maybe the colons are being mistaken for file separators?
>>This first went wrong in the middle of XML::Parser, but it behaves
>>exactly the same way all by itself.
>Paul J. Schinder
>NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
>Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771

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