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Re: [MacPerl] chineese scroll

On 22 Sep 1999, Nicholas G. Thornton wrote:

> I'm sure there are many ways to do it, size of the files however makes many of
> them not a feeasable option. The high res picture is 8GB I belive. I've never
> met someone who could keep 8GB of image in their RAM and mess around with it,
> then agaim maybe I'm not meeting the right people :)
There are a number of different approaches that might work, and I wouldn't
necessarily try to shoehorn everything into a Perl solution.

I just finished working on an app that uses the Java Advanced Imaging API
to solve the problem of zooming & panning in large maps in TIFF format
(strip or tiled, any compression, bilevel, 8-bit or 24-bit). Works very
well even grabbing stuff from CD.

Another technology that you might want to review is MrSID compression from
LizardTech (www.lizardtech.com). They use discrete wavelet compression to
obtain results indistinguishable from the original even at compression
ratios of 30:1 or 40:1, that is, your 8 or 9 GB is down to 200 MB. You
might want to get the appropriate license so you can develop a better GUI
than what the free MrSID viewer has, though.

There are other approaches, too.


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