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Re: [MacPerl] chineese scroll

On 22 Sep 1999, Nicholas G. Thornton wrote:

> I'm sure there are many ways to do it, size of the files however makes many of
> them not a feeasable option. The high res picture is 8GB I belive. I've never
> met someone who could keep 8GB of image in their RAM and mess around with it,
> then agaim maybe I'm not meeting the right people :)

Right.  Is that 8GB image the _whole_ thirty foot scroll?  Is there a
reason why you haven't split it into say 1 MB segments?  The segments
could overlap in coverage of the original for smooth scrolling.

Then, size is no longer a problem.  You could use JPEG compression on each
segment, include its pixel range in the name, and so on.

Perhaps your idea for perl might be ideal for automating this one-time
task of splitting up the images.  Then, the rest can be handled by QTVR or
Java or some other method.

Is there a reason, other than typo, for two e's in Chinese?


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