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Re: [MacPerl] How Cross Platform is Perl

[In a message on Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:32:57 EDT,
	"Tom Schruefer" wrote:]
>Will all the versions of Perl for various Platforms UNIX, Mac, Win32, 
>etc..  I find myself wondering just how cross platform compatible Perl 
>For instance, replacing the interface code, could one run the same basic 
>Perl program on all the supported platforms?  
>Is it possible to build Perl executables for a Win95 or WinNT system, 
>like can be done for the Mac?  Could the same core code be run as a CGI 
>on a UNIX system, using HTML for its interface?
>Just a few questions.

In my explorations (perl on Solaris, linux, NT4, and MacOS) I've found
it generally more portable than Java.  On the perlTk mailing list,
there's been extensive discussion of how the Tk modules work very
similarly between NT and Unix.  I'm too busy to work on a MacPerl port
of Tk, but if it ever shows up, my guess is it will be seemless as

Things break down a little bit when you start using sockets, but most
of the modules do a good job of doing the right thing.  I've gotten to
the point where I'm starting to re-write all my Unix tools (grep, sed,
etc.) as perl scripts.  Next thing you know, I'll have a ksh
implimented in perl. . .


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