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Re: [MacPerl] this is a test of the new footer

Jim Correia, <correia@barebones.com> wrote:
>At 11:54 AM -0700 9/24/99, Vicki Brown wrote:
>> I'm checking out how smart Majordomo is...
>> David Seay asked if I could put # in front of the "Want to unsibscribe?
>> trailer... to make posting scripts to the list a little easier :-)
>> For chuckles, I thought I'd try it.
>#!perl -w
># I don't do perl by default, but doesn't posting your
># scripts like this have the same effect?
>print "hello world!\n";
>now you can put your signature here, or majordomo stuff
>and it shouldn't affect the script

True except on the off chance someone posts a module, in which case the 
last line should read:


as all modules must return TRUE. I like the idea of putting # in front of 
the footer message.  Note my .sig file.  Plus you'll see a fair load of 
newbies who can't be expected to know better, quick&dirty scripts (like 
the 'hello world' example above) whose authors shouldn't be asked to add 
"\n__END__\n" to them (as they're so short to begin with), and mere 
snippets of code, where you won't even find a #!perl at the top.

Of course, the truly lazy way to go about this is to write a Perl Filter 
for BBEdit which strips the mail headers and listserver footers from 
scripts posted to the MacPerl mailing list.


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