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Re: [MacPerl] this is a test of the new footer

At 2:14 PM -0700 9/24/99, Brian McNett wrote:
> True except on the off chance someone posts a module, in which case the
> last line should read:
> 1;
> as all modules must return TRUE.

Yes, but that doesn't preclude you from using __END__, does it?  (I hardly
do perl, but understand some of the issues involved.)

Here is a module Jim.pm

sub foo
	print "hello world\n";



here is some jumk at the end of my module file

and here is the script that calls it

#!perl -w

use Jim;


It seems to work just fine.

Jim Correia                                Bare Bones Software, Inc.
correia@barebones.com                     <http://web.barebones.com>

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