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Re: [MacPerl] this is a test of the new footer

At 17:24 -0400 1999.09.24, Jim Correia wrote:
>Yes, but that doesn't preclude you from using __END__, does it?  (I hardly
>do perl, but understand some of the issues involved.)

Nope.  I use __END__ in most of my modules.  Note that "returning true"
does not mean that the true statement needs to be at the end; it just needs
to be the case that the last executed statement returns true.

-------module file--------
package Foo;
my $x = 1;

sub do_something {
  print $x; $x++;

-------module file--------

This module returns true.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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