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Re: [MacPerl] Reading/Writing JavaScript Array in Perl (redux)

Quoting Brian McNett <webmaster@mycoinfo.com>:

> > And, for what it's worth, _Mastering Algorithms with Perl_
> > (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1565923987) is also out.
> Actually, I have a slightly *different* take on this book:
> Something like this has LONG been needed.  Algorithms are at the HEART of 
> all programming.  This book teaches you the "Big-O" notation for 
> time-efficiency.  Too often, Perl programmer's fall back on techniques 
> best described as "naive."  Having a practical guide to some very basic 
> (and not so basic) algorithms in Perl is a VERY good thing.
[ Snippage ]
> I think that lot of perl programmers will pass on this book, thinking 
> just as you do.  They're badly mistaken.  You NEED this book!
I tend to agree. I don't believe that one needs a formal CS degree to be
a good programmer (I'm biased, being a physics type), but only because I
think you can probably get by without knowing how to write the next great
compiler, *not* because the core CS stuff is useless. So if you don't get
it through coursework, you have to teach it to yourself.

If you don't know the algorithms you aren't going to be able to write good
code. Plain and simple.

I have no hard data on this, but I have this gut feeling that Perl, Python
and Java are attracting more than their fair share of people with no 
structured/formal programming background. Mostly because they are free.
Not many
I'm not elitist, so I like the fresh blood, but anything that helps
put some professional veneer on what is written by "amateurs" (sometimes
used as a dirty word, I've noticed) is a good thing.

There are actually many good books. This sounds like another. If you are
really a keener, the bible is Knuth (and I've got mine), but for practical
day-to-day refs you probably want something a bit more readable. :-)


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