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RE: [MacPerl] List Lag?

I've noticed a fair amount of lag, but I think it affects all of my mail.
Since Melissa MS has been pretty paranoid about their mail and I think they
may be checking for trojans as the mail passes through the firewall.

-- Creede

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Correia [mailto:correia@barebones.com]
Sent: Friday, September 24, 1999 1:53 PM
To: macperl@macperl.org
Subject: [MacPerl] List Lag?

There appears to be a lag in the distribution of this list on the order of
1h20m.  Is this what everyone else is seeing/to be expected?

Jim Correia                                Bare Bones Software, Inc.
correia@barebones.com                     <http://web.barebones.com>

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