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[MacPerl] problem with MLDBM

I'm trying to use MLDBM, and I got some problems 
(I use the exemple in the "Perl Cookbook" page 391) :

Here is my package "questions" :
package questions;
sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self = {};
	bless($self, $class);
	$self->{CREATION} = time();
	return $self;
return 1;

here is the code :
use MLDBM qw(DB_File);
use questions;

$objet1 = questions->new();

tie(%hash, 'MLDBM', 'testfile.db', O_CREAT|O_RDWR,
	or die "can't open tie to testfile.db: $!";
$hash{"obj1"} = $objet1;

untie %hash;

So, I got these error message :

# Can't locate object method "Dump" via package
File 'HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl

info on "Dumper.pm" : 4k (may 10 1998)
I've looked the code and there is no "Dump" method in
this file

in package MLDBM :
Use Data::Dumper '2.08';

so I tried another version found in CPAN :
info on "Dumper.pm" : 32k (may 01 1999)
There is a "Dump" method in this file,
but I got this new message :

# MLDBM error: Please make sure
MLDBM/Serializer/Data/Dumper.pm is a properly
installed package.
Perl says: "# Can't find loadable object for module 
Data::Dumper in @INC
(HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MacPPC
HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib
HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MLDBM
HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MacPPC
HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib 

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