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Re: [MacPerl] problem with MLDBM

At 10:37 -0700 1999.09.28, jean-Francois Jobidon wrote:
>so I tried another version found in CPAN :
>info on "Dumper.pm" : 32k (may 01 1999)
>There is a "Dump" method in this file,
>but I got this new message :
># MLDBM error: Please make sure
>MLDBM/Serializer/Data/Dumper.pm is a properly
>installed package.
>Perl says: "# Can't find loadable object for module
>Data::Dumper in @INC
>(HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MacPPC
>HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib
>HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MLDBM
>HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MacPPC
>HD:Applications:Programmation:MacPerl ƒ:lib

As documented in Data::Dumper, you must either use the NOXSUB version of
the module, or use the XS version, which requires compilation.  There is a
compiled binary for MacPerl at http://pudge.net/mmp/ (the MacPerl Module

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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