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Re: [MacPerl] Japanese Pages getting corrupted

At 12:46 -0700 1999.10.03, Ward W. Vuillemot wrote:
>I have a problem with some html pages in Japanese.  My scripts does the
>open(CONT,"$content_file") || print STDERR "Unable to open or read
>$content_file: $!\n";
>@cont = "$NO_CONTENT" if (! @cont); # print something if files is empty
>print "@cont";
>The problem is that when $content_file is not standard ASCII but EUC or
>S-JIS or JIS then @cont becomes garbled.

Please describe "garbled".  Could it be you are just viewing it in a font
that makes it look garbled?  Perl does no manipulation of the bytes in such
code (unless you are using Windows or some other platform where
binmode(CONT) would take care of the problem).

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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