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Re: [MacPerl] Japanese Pages getting corrupted

At 12:46 -0700 1999.10.03, Ward W. Vuillemot wrote:
|>  I have a problem with some html pages in Japanese.  My scripts does the
|>  following:
|>  open(CONT,"$content_file") || print STDERR "Unable to open or read
|>  $content_file: $!\n";
|>  @cont=<CONT>;
|>  close(CONT);
|>  @cont = "$NO_CONTENT" if (! @cont); # print something if files is empty
|>  print "@cont";
|>  The problem is that when $content_file is not standard ASCII but EUC or
|>  S-JIS or JIS then @cont becomes garbled.

Your code worked fine for me .

Shift JIS should work without problems in MacPerl. (JIS and EUC-JP you have to
convert to SJIS). If garbled means "ASCII garbage" without any funny Japanese
characters in, set the Font in MacPerls  Edit->Format menu to Osaka.

If you got real MOJI-BAKE ("Ghost Characters"--> Halfwidth Katakana and other
strange characters) check wether you really have have a SJIS encoded File. (View
it in KingsEdit or Jedit)

If that all doesn't help, we have gotten a very interesting problem :-)


Andreas Marcel 

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