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Re: [MacPerl] Net::SMTP

>maybe somebody know where i can get working example of subj.
>i'm still having problems :(

Something like this, but with more descriptive warnings.  This is an OLD 
example, and the only reason for calling Mac::InternetConfig  is to get 
the user's email address (obviously).  You could just as easily hard-code 
the sender:

#!perl -w

use strict;
use Net::SMTP;
use Mac::InternetConfig;

my($smtp, $email, @emails, $subject, $message);

$smtp    = Net::SMTP->new();
$email   = $InternetConfig{kICEmail()};  # get sender from IC
@emails  = 'some_user@some.domain';      # recipient goes here
$subject = "Subject: MacPerl test message\n\n";
$message = <<EOM;

Place test message here


$smtp->mail($email)       or warn('failure');
$smtp->to(@emails)        or warn('failure');
$smtp->data()             or warn('failure');
$smtp->datasend($subject) or warn('failure');
$smtp->datasend($message) or warn('failure');
$smtp->datasend()         or warn('failure');
$smtp->quit()             or warn('failure');


For further, more detailed info, consult the POD, and look up RFC821 for 
info on SMTP.

Otherwise, that's all there is to it.


Brian McNett, Webmaster
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