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Re: [MacPerl] Unix daemons in Perl on MacOS?

on 01/25/2000 5:45 PM, Brian McNett at webmaster@mycoinfo.com wrote:

> I've no code yet, but I'm hoping to get some sort of discussion going
> here to give me ideas of where to go with this.

I apologize for being late jumping into this discussion - but isn't the
definition of a 'daemon' a server waiting around listening to sockets?

Try this:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT

# OverCR Collector V1.50.00 08/28/1999
# This is GPL software, see COPYING for liscense
# Copyright 1998, 1999
#  People who have contributed code
#  Eric Molitor  (eric@molitor.org)
#  Bill Jones    (bill@fccj.org) AKA -Sneex-
#  Joerg Strangfeld <joerg.strangfeld@javelinx.com>

# 1.49.50 - Major Rewrite by -Sneex-
# Based upon v1.49.07...
# Probably contains new bugs...

# 1.47.07 Revision History -
#   1.49.07 - Fixed Glob Failure caused by forking
#   1.49.06 - Better Handling of Config File Location
#   1.49.05 - Daemonize with code from Joerg Strangfeld
#   1.49.04 - Signal HUP is now processed to reconfigure
#   1.49.03 - Spelling and logging format fixes
#   1.49.02 - Implemented allowed services in config file
#   1.49.02 - Minor Commenting and formatting changes
#   1.49.01 - Require 5.004
#   1.49.01 - Added Config File Support
#   1.00.00 - Initial Release
#   0.99.53 - Rewrote Uptime
#   0.99.52 - Improved Uptime Help Information
#   0.99.52 - Added postel function
#   0.99.51 - Added help function
#   0.99.51 - Added architecture to version
#   0.99.51 - Fixed netstat on Solaris/SunOS
#   0.99.50 - Removed/Changed reserved words
#   0.99.50 - Removed D.O.S. attack (Empty Commands now handled correctly)
#   0.99.50 - Fixed signal handling of SigAlarm
#   0.99.50 - Check return values on ALL IO operations
#   0.99.50 - Fixed orphaned die during socket creation
#   0.99.50 - Cleaned up variables in ocr_uptime
#   0.99.50 - Uptime now has a precision of 2
#   0.99.50 - Fixed Netstats and Process whining about uninitialized

# 1.47.07 To Do List:
# - Improved architecture detection and handling

# <CURRENT CODE BASE: 1.50.00>
# End of comments...

###  WARNING:  Do not change ANYTHING!  Not unless you really really want to
spend time debugging...
###  However:  If you really think you know what you are doing -- then
change whatever you want :]

require 5.004;

use strict;
use diagnostics;
use Socket;
use POSIX;
use IO;

my $maxTO = 5; # Set to prevent hung clients...

unless (@ARGV && (@ARGV > 2)) {
    print <<_Usage;
Usage: $0 timeout port_number path_to_files [Enter]
       Where -
               'timeout' is the amount of time a client
               can be idle before being disconnected...

               'port_number' is the port upon which to listen
               for requests.  You must be ROOT to connect on
               a privledged port less than 1023 (inclusive...)

               'path_to_files' is the path to use for finding
               and/or storing needed files, etc...

Running OverCR_Server...


# Number of Seconds before disconnecting - Not used in this release -Sneex-
my $timeout = pop(@ARGV) ||    2;
unless ($timeout > 0 && $timeout < $maxTO) {
    print "Value $timeout:  Not numeric or not between 1 thru $maxTO. Using

# Port number to run on...
my $server_port    = pop(@ARGV) || 2000;
die "Privledged Port $server_port Requested: Access Denied.\n"
    unless (($server_port > 1023) || ($> > 0));

# Path to log file, pid file, and others...
my $path    = pop(@ARGV) ||   '';
unless (-d $path) {
    print "Directory $path specified does not exist. Using ", `pwd`;
} else {
# Create the 'logfile' @ specified location
my $log_file = $path . $0 . ".log";

# Open it Write Only (O_WRONLY), in Append Mode (O_APPEND),
# if it already exists; otherwise Create the file (O_CREAT)
# Set the file permission bits to 0600  ( -rw------- )
my $fh = new IO::File $log_file, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0600;

if (defined $fh) {
   print $fh $0 . " started by " . $> . " for Port " .
        $server_port . " on Date: " . (localtime) . "\n";
   undef $fh;
} else { die "Oops!  Betcha that hurt: $!"; }

# Flush all I/O buffers...
autoflush STDOUT 1;

# Set the file path globally -
$path = $log_file;

# List of allowed services; one per line...
my @services = qw{ 

# List of IP's (or hosts/domains pairs) to allow.  The first is a simple
# hostname only, the second a Domain only, ext an IP Addr only...
my @ip_allow = qw{

# Make the socket...
socket(SERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));

# So we can restart our server quickly

# Build up my socket address...
my $my_addr = sockaddr_in($server_port, INADDR_ANY);
bind(SERVER, $my_addr)
    or die "Couldn't bind to addr $my_addr on port $server_port : $!\n";

# Establish a queue for incoming connections...
    or die "Couldn't listen on port $server_port : $!\n";

# Accept and process connections...
while (accept(CLIENT, SERVER)) {

    $/ = '';

    my $data_read    =   '';
    my $maxlen       = 1500; # MTA Limit, no fragment...
    my $flags        =    0;
    my $data_to_send =   '';

    defined (recv(CLIENT, $data_read, $maxlen, $flags))
        or die "Can't read: $! $@";

    $data_to_send = pack("u*",$data_read);
    #$data_to_send = $data_read;
    print "IN: $data_read OUT: $data_to_send\n";

    send (CLIENT, $data_to_send, $flags);

    defined (recv(CLIENT, $data_read, $maxlen, $flags))
        or die "Can't read: $! $@";

    $data_to_send = unpack("u*",$data_read);
    #$data_to_send = $data_read;
    print "IN: $data_read OUT: $data_to_send\n";

    send (CLIENT, $data_to_send, $flags);

# End of Server Code Portion...


Note:  The OverCR project is at http://www.overcr.org/

Bill Jones * Systems Programmer * http://www.fccj.org/cgi/mail?sneex

                                   ('>   Running -
                                   //\   Perl, Apache, MySQL, PHP3,
                                   v_/_  Ultra 10, LinuxPPC, BeOS...

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