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[MacPerl] Mac::Glue can't find type.al - help please


I'm hoping to use Mac::Glue to get MacPerl to simulate dragging and 
dropping a document onto MakeDocDD(PPC), but I've fallen at the first 

I'm trying to run this wee script:-

   #perl -w
   use Mac::Glue;
   my $glue = new Mac::Glue 'MakeDocDD_PPC';

but I get these errors when I run it:-

   # Can't locate auto/Mac/AppleEvents/Simple/type.al in @INC.
   File 'Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:AutoLoader.pm'; Line 38

   File 'Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:Mac:Glue.pm'; Line 288

My @INC has these folders in it:-

0 Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:MacPPC:
1 Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:
2 Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:lib:MacPPC:
3 Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:lib:
4 Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:MacPPC:
5 Macintosh HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:
6 :
7 Dev:Pseudo:

Sure enough there is no type.al in these folders. In fact there isn't 
one anywhere on my disk.

Now, I guessed at how to install AppleEvents::Simple 0.80, and just 
put the files that were unstuffed into Macintosh 
HD:Development:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:Mac:AppleEvents:. I'm guessing 
again but this is prbably where I went wrong.

Can any one help?

Andrew Fletcher

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