David Steffen sez: > Please find appended a first draft of an idea I had. ... This looks like a very promising start! I have occasionally noodled about (but never tried) making several copies of MacPerl and giving them different Type/Creator information. If my theory is correct, this could allow one copy of MacPerl to run CGIs while another is being used for development, etc. It might even be possible to let one script field CGI requests, passing them off to other, "helper" scripts for the actual processing. Are you in a position to play with this notion? If so, it might be an interesting part of the article, or even a follow-on article... -r -- Rich Morin: rdm@cfcl.com, +1 650-873-7841, http://www.ptf.com/~rdm Prime Time Freeware: info@ptf.com, +1 408-433-9662, http://www.ptf.com MacPerl: http://www.macperl.com, http://www.ptf.com/ptf/products/MPPE MkLinux: http://www.mklinux.apple.com, http://www.ptf.com/ptf/products/MKLP # ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? # ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-request@macperl.org