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[MacPerl] Biology with MacPerl?

Hello everybody. This is my first posting on this forum. I'm learning about the MacPerl (have some Java experience) and would like to apply MacPerl mostly for biological research (tutorials, database
access, sequence manipulations/searches). From reading and talking with people in bioinformatics and programming I realized that Perl is all I could wish for (and more). Full of excitment, I found
bio.perl.org site but than I realized that (here comes java flashbacks) it is heavilly biased toward Unix Perl. Since I am beginner in Pearl, I am unable to estimate how many of numerous Perl
resources are applicable to MacPerl. That is why I would like to ask you all for a favour;  does anybody uses Mac Perl in biological research and are there any sites related to the use of MacPerl in
biology? Also, given that my past experiences taught me that once syntax of the language is learned, next step is reading (a lot) of code, can somebody provide me with examples or point me to the
site containing some? Macs (at least at my university) are almost the standard. That and the suitability of MacPerl for many tasks in biology makes MacPerl perfect tool. Thanks everybody for your

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