I've been doing some editing of looong documents recently, bouncing back and forth between sections. I was wasting a noticeable amount of time in finding my place until I thought of creating a placeholder icon. Specifically, I went to the Finder and hit Cmd-M, creating a folder. I then changed the name to "<<<<<<" and Cmd-dragged it to sit next to the "thumb" on the application's slider bar. Every so often, as I edit the file, I do a "Save", then move the icon down a bit. It's really silly, but it actually turns out to be very useful. -r -- Rich Morin: rdm@cfcl.com, +1 650-873-7841, http://www.ptf.com/~rdm Prime Time Freeware: info@ptf.com, +1 408-433-9662, http://www.ptf.com MacPerl: http://www.macperl.com, http://www.ptf.com/ptf/products/MPPE MkLinux: http://www.mklinux.apple.com, http://www.ptf.com/ptf/products/MKLP # ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? # ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-request@macperl.org