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Re: [MacPerl] Running files?

It's probably not the 'right' or recommended way, but can you do:

require "createNameList.pl";
require "createAddrePages.pl";
require "createNamePages.pl";

ideally, this should work if you end each of the individual .pl files with
"1;" on the last line. Granted there may be some issues involving paths to
the 'required' files.

Robert Sweeney

On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, Vic Norton wrote:

>I have just started using MacPerl. I have written three longish 
>scripts for generating web pages for an HTML database from a tab 
>delimited text file (from an Excel spreadsheet). Right now I can 
>generate the web pages from BBEdit by "running" three files in 
>succession, one after the other. For your curiosity the files are 
>named "createNameList.pl", "createAddrPages.pl", "createNamePages.pl".
>I would like to have a single, small file, "createDB.pl", that would 
>set a couple of essential parameters - the location of original text 
>file and the path to the web page directory where the constructed web 
>pages will be stored - and then "run" the three files above in 
>I can't figure out how to this. I'd like to write something like
>    run $filehandle1;
>    run $filehandle2;
>    run $filehandle3;
>but I can't figure out the correct command. Also, whatever I do, I 
>will ultimately have to port it to a PC implementation of Perl.
>Any advice would be much appreciated.
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