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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl plan for OSX

>I just installed the Mac OS X  Beta and I first just have to say.....wow!

Bragging, are we? And when am I going to get MINE in the mail?

[Grumbles and mutters]

>Anyhow, I ramble...The main reason for this email from the world of OS X, is
>that I noticed that OS X has a BSD port of Perl 5.006 preinstalled.

If you're not familar with grep and haven't figured out how to use 
Sherlock in Mac OS X, boot Mac OS 9 and use Sherlock in that to search 
for perl on the Mac OS X volume(s). You might find that both 5.006 and 
5.6 are in there, called perl5.6.0 or some such. I suppose you would 
invoke it on the shebang line with 


or something like it.

Joel Rees

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