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Re: [FWP] Badly written code

At 06:50 PM 11/7/99 -0600, Tushar Samant wrote:
>There IS such a thing as badness, independent of market value.


>If you indulged it because you are a "nice guy", you might be contributing 
>to a lowering of standards.

I think the standards are capable of lowering themselves without any help 
from us.

In this respect I like to think that there is a prevailing philosophy to 
whatever tool I am working with, and my philosophy should mirror it.  Perl 
was clearly created as a "big umbrella" to include as many people as 
possible from as many backgrounds as possible, and make them feel 
welcome.  It plainly reflects the tenets of Larry Wall, whom I have never 
known to take cheap shots at anyone no matter how well deserved.

I like Perl because the language, and its creator, demonstrate the 
principle that there are already enough people - or languages - around who 
will hold your flaws up to the world for scorn, and what we need instead is 
more of both which will lend a helping hand rather than a kick in the 
ass.  It gives me something to aim for that carping, however jolly, does not.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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