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[FWP] Perl Moral Support

How does one counter statements like this:

> Python might be a good choice to replace both Perl and
> Bourne shell for most scripting.  (Perl is still a great
> language for small text-processing tasks.) 

I find it really frustrating because they refuse to learn
Perl, yet they are more than happy to bash on it. There
are even a few people who don't consider me a "real" 
programmer since I don't spend my days writing C (mainly
because I prefer to not bash my head on the wall).

I just need some moral support. I enjoy my fun times with
Perl and will continue to do so. I am just tired of people
who don't get it....


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  (650)846-8388       kevinc@pdi.com    http://www.pdi.com
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