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[MacPerl-Porters] Building MacPerl extensions with CodeWarrior

I've just struggled for several hours trying to build MacPerl, following the
instructions in the back of the book. After failing to find a CW 11 CD,
and noticing the requirement for the obscure NuToolsLib.o, I gave up.

This is unfortunate, as I have a need to write a simple Perl extension
to do C++ name unmangling, and want to call a 1-liner provided by 
Metrowerks in PPCToolsLib.o.

Does anyone have a handy CodeWarrior project that will aid in building
perl extensions?

Also, I can't help but wonder how much simpler the build process would be
if 68k and CFM68k support were abandoned. Is this a reasonable thought
at this stage?

Thanks for any info,

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