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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] Building MacPerl extensions with CodeWarrior

At 00.33 -0800 1999.11.02, Simon Fraser wrote:
>I've just struggled for several hours trying to build MacPerl, following the
>instructions in the back of the book. After failing to find a CW 11 CD,
>and noticing the requirement for the obscure NuToolsLib.o, I gave up.
>This is unfortunate, as I have a need to write a simple Perl extension
>to do C++ name unmangling, and want to call a 1-liner provided by
>Metrowerks in PPCToolsLib.o.

You do not need to build MacPerl to build extensions.

>Does anyone have a handy CodeWarrior project that will aid in building
>perl extensions?

See http://www.macperl.com/depts/Tutorials/ for all the work Arved has done
on XS and SWIG for MacPerl.

>Also, I can't help but wonder how much simpler the build process would be
>if 68k and CFM68k support were abandoned. Is this a reasonable thought
>at this stage?

I am not sure if it will be necessary.  The build process is being reworked
for the next version, so we'll see.  You can see (and hear) what Matthias
had to say about what his plans are from the latest Perl Conference session
on MacPerl:


Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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