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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] Building MacPerl extensions with CodeWarrior

At 00:33 -0800 2/11/1999, Simon Fraser wrote:

>Also, I can't help but wonder how much simpler the build process would be
>if 68k and CFM68k support were abandoned. Is this a reasonable thought
>at this stage?
>Thanks for any info,
I don't think dropping the 68K support would make porting extensions to the
PPC any simpler.

There are a number of extension modules that have valid PPC executables but
haven't yet been compiled/linked and run successfully for *68K (Storable,
most notably.) Can't think of an example that works the other way.

As long as some of us are still working using *68K machines, and Arved is
willing to mentor, and it doesn't inconvenience the PPC users - leave us
our innocent pleasures? :-)

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