Hi, In going over the few remaining tests that need to be macified in :t:lib: I was surprised by the failure of searchdict.t. It turned out that if I call: seek DICT,0,0; after the initial open(DICT,"+>dict-$$"); that none of the tests pass. In fact without my added seek call the Search::Dict.pm module does call seek() on its own. So far Ican get all 4 tests in searchdic.t to pass but only if after the C<print DICT $DICT;> statement I close the DICT filehandle then reopen it for read access. Hence my question: does anyone else have an example of perl seek() code working with 5.6.0? Thanks. Peter Prymmer ==== Want to unsubscribe from this list? ==== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-porters-request@macperl.org