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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] MacPerl and WebSTAR

Hi Trish.

>Hi everyone
>I am new to MacPerl and have a few questions on executing scripts.
>If I would like to use an html form which utilizes a Perl script, does the
>computer need to be run in server mode under WebSTAR for example?

Yes, but the term "server mode" is misleading. You would call a Mac 
that runs a web server like WebSTAR as its only task (and serves 
pages to the Internet) a dedicated (web-) server --  in a sense, this 
Mac is in server mode.

If you would like to run CGI-scripts on your Mac at home (I think 
this is what you really mean), then you need to configure your TCP/IP 
settings (and thereafter your web server). I am not sure if you 
already know how to configure TCP/IP  for an "offline web server 
mode", so I will show you the needed steps (skip this description if 
you've already done the configuration):

     1. Open the TCP/IP control panel.
     2. Choose 'Configurations...' (apple-K) from the File menu.
     3. Duplicate a configuration and give it the name 
'WebSTAR-offline' for example.
     4. Choose this newly created configuration to make it the current one.
     5. Either choose AppleTalk (MacIP) or Ethernet in the 'Connect 
via' pop-up menu.
     5a. AppleTalk (must be activated):
           Choose 'Using MacIP Manually'  in the 'Configure' pop-up menu.
           Assign the IP-Address: for example will work.
     5b. Ethernet
           Choose 'Manually' in the 'Configure' pop-up menu.
           Assign the IP-Address: will work.
           A sub-mask will automatically be added, so there is no need 
to assign one.
     6. In the 'Options...' Dialog, make sure TCP/IP is active and 
uncheck the 'Load only when needed' check-box.
     7. Quit the TCP/IP control panel and save the configuration.

     You may want to use a Hosts File. Instead of typing the 
IP-Address every time you want to access
     something through your browser, you'll be able to use a human 
friendly domain name, for example
     http://www.patricia.com/. Use a text editor and copy the 
following line to it (exactly as shown):

     www.patricia.com 		A

     Save this file as 'WebSTAR.hostfile' for example.  In the TCP/IP 
control panel, assign this file as your Hosts File.

Done with TCP/IP :).

If you want to learn more about Open Transport-TCP/IP and Hosts 
files, you may want to download the OT 1.1 Manual (no newer one 
(340 KB)
Don't worry about the "German" in this URL, the manual is written in 
English. It can also be found on the System 8.5 CD (:CD 
Extras:Network Extras:OT Extras), but on the System 9.0 CD it was 
removed (I wonder why).

I have no experiences with WebSTAR. At least you'll need to configure 
the root directory and may be a directory for CGIs (cgi-bin for 
example). Remember to save your MacPerl scripts as 'CGI Script'. 
Please note: Some servers (Quid Pro Quo for example) may crash  if 
you start the server _before_ changing your TCP/IP configuration to 
the offline config. First change your TCP/IP configuration, then 
start the web server!

>Also, if the computer is run in server mode, are any of the other Mac
>programs (ie. Microsoft Office applications etc.) still able to be

Yes. But if you want to access the Internet, you have to change your 
TCP/IP settings back to the online settings (most likely a PPP 

>Thanks for your help,

Hope that helps.

Kind regards

-- Thomas

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