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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] MacPerl and WebSTAR

Patricia Lynn Whetzel wrote:

>  If I would like to use an html form which utilizes a Perl 
>  script,  does the computer need to be run in server mode 
>  under WebSTAR for example?
>  Also, if the computer is run in server mode, are any of
>  the other Mac programs (ie. Microsoft Office 
>  applications etc.) still able to be accessed?

What is "server mode"?
It is sufficient if you run the server software as an application; so you
can switch between your applications. For home use (CGI and Perl scripts) I
did it with the simple, tiny __MacHTTP__ (after I was unable to navigate
that Webstar Rolls Royce [I could not find the gear-lever]).

Detlef Lindenthal <detlef@lindenthal.com>

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