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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] MacPerl and WebSTAR


thanks for your valuable comments. I agree with all of them. The list 
was intended for those who want to develop scripts for educational 
purposes, prototyping etc., but not with really serving the Internet 
in mind. In this case I would use the free QPQ and Stalker servers, 
as you've pointed out. If the price doesn't matter, I indeed would 
consider to use WebSTAR or WebTen 
(<http://www.tenon.com/products/webten/>), an Apache based web server 
for the Mac OS. But probably I would switch to Linux before handing 
money over. Btw, I would like to hear more about WebTen. Does someone 
have more information about or experiences with this server?

A nice usage story on serving the Internet via the Mac OS can be read 
in TidBITS#536 (26-Jun-00): "Serving the Internet from a PowerBook 
5300" by  Ron Risley 

I have plans for my own little website (dedicated to MacPerl), where 
the accumulated informations and links will definetly be published.

Best regards

-- Thomas

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