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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] MacPerl and WebSTAR

tedd@sperling.com wrote:
>my server is one that uses "open relays" (for those other than Dave,
>you can check out your server by using the checker located at orbs.org).
>Now, I have relayed the information of his "open relays" to my server, but
>I don't know if he understands what this all means or how to fix it. Could
>you give me some tips or suggestions I could make to him?
>Second, my server has told me "The server your sites are on is running
>Linux OS with Apache web server software.  It is a Cobalt RaQ2 server."

Oy!  Fixing the open relay on my Mac was child's play compared to 
fixing it on the Linux server, despite the fact that I had to locate 
and install a whole new program on the Mac, vs reconfiguring the 
Linux server.  My heart goes out to your ISP!  How he fixes it 
depends on which SMTP server he is using.  (I am using Sendmail.) 
There is a page on the ORBS site with links which explain how to fix 
a large number of different SMTP servers:


>Now, with that known, will that affect the Perl scripts I write under

What I assume you mean is what do you need to do develop scripts with 
MacPerl/Webstar that run correctly under Linux Perl/Apache.

The good news is that most things are portable; it is pretty easy to 
go back and forth.  (Since you have had success so far, you must have 
already figured out that you save your script as a CGI to run it on 
the Mac, and then as Plain Text to run it on the Linux server.)  Two 
places worth looking for the few gotchas are:

1) The MacPerl documentation.  Under the Help menu in MacPerl is a topic:
"Macintosh Specific Features".  This lists many of the things that 
are not portable between Mac Perl and Linux/Unix Perl.

2) I did a column in Perl Month:

I list some things to watch out for there, though in retrospect I 
missed one or two important ones (e.g. File Paths, discussed in 1)


-David Steffen-
David Steffen, Ph.D.
President, Biomedical Computing, Inc. <http://www.biomedcomp.com/>
Phone: (713) 610-9770 FAX: (713) 610-9769 E-mail: steffen@biomedcomp.com

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