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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] MacPerl and WebSTAR

David wrote:

>Note Well!  The anti-spam feature is NOT a luxury if you are on the
>Internet, but virtually a necessity.  I don't know about EIMS, but
>with AIMS there is no way to prevent your surver from being an "open
>relay".  That means that spammers will use your server to send their
>spam, both putting a load on your server and making you a partner in
>their crime.
>But Wait!  It gets worse!  Because of the increasing problem of spam
>and the central role open relays play in its propagation, many sites
>on the Internet have initiated a campaign to block open relays:
>What this means is, that once your open relay is detected, you will
>not be able to send email to sites which participate in this
>blocking.  (I believe WebTV, now owned by Microsoft, is one such


Thanks for the information.

Two things:

First, my server is one that uses "open relays" (for those other than Dave,
you can check out your server by using the checker located at orbs.org).
Now, I have relayed the information of his "open relays" to my server, but
I don't know if he understands what this all means or how to fix it. Could
you give me some tips or suggestions I could make to him?

Second, my server has told me "The server your sites are on is running
Linux OS with Apache web server software.  It is a Cobalt RaQ2 server."
Now, with that known, will that affect the Perl scripts I write under
MacPerl? Thus far, I have been able to place a Perl.cgi counter on the
server with no problems. But, I wonder if I may be limited in some other
way considering that it's not a WebSTAR configuration.

Please excuse my ignorance on these subjects.

Many thanks in advance for your replies.


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