(Anthony Carlisle) writes: } Back in November or so there was a thread on this list about accessing an } SMTP server via MacPerl. As I recall, it made reference to a package called } "" (or something similar). } } Does anyone know where I can find that library? Questions like these are why Sandra Silcot maintains a searchable archive of this list. Go to <> and search for MacSMTP, by Mark Probert. The software itself might be in the CPAN archives. It was also distributed to the list, as I recall, and so might itself be in Sandra's list archives as well. } } Thanks. } } +------------------------------------------+ } | If you can read this, thank a programmer.| } | ---------- | } | <> | } +------------------------------------------+ } } } --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA