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Re: [MacPerl] Bbedit as a text editor?

At 2:31 AM 4/11/96, Angus McIntyre wrote:
>At 12:30 pm 10/4/96, Russell Aminzade wrote:
>>I much prefer to use BBedit as my text editor, rather than the editor
>>intrinsic to MacPerl.  Is there a way to do this?
>In an ideal world, the two would be more tightly integrated, so that you
>could see MacPerl's error messages come up in a BBEdit browser window (as
>they do when you're using Think C or MetroWerks + ClickWarrior, for
>example). In a *really* ideal world, not only would there be no war,
>poverty, famine, or rap music, but MacPerl would be 'just another language'
>as far as BBEdit is concerned, and would be treated just like BBEdit treats
>the CodeWarrior IDE or the TPM. I'm uncertain how much work is required by
>Matthias and/or Rich Siegel for this dream to become a reality.
>In this very much less than ideal world, this level of support isn't yet
>available. However, Matthias has implemented something that allows you to
>write BBEdit extensions using MacPerl, so perhaps we could kludge something
>together relatively easily using that.

This probably isn't what you want to hear, but there is a MacPerl mode for
Alpha that does what you describe. In addition to writing and executing
perl scripts as you normally would from the MacPerl editor, you can use
perl scripts as filters for text in Alpha windows.  You can even save perl
code as droplets from within Alpha.  Error messages come up in an Alpha
window. Since Alpha has built-in, user-defined syntax coloring, you get
that too.



David C. Schooley                         |
Ph.D. in progress                         |
Georgia Tech Electric Power               |       Simplify.
email: schooley@ee.gatech.edu             |
http://www.ee.gatech.edu/users/schooley/  |