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Re: [MacPerl] Bbedit as a text editor?

Hi, I sent off some of this thread to BBEdit before reading Michael
Kearney's email - thought ya'll might like to see this anyway

>Any thoughts on allowing BBEDit & MacPerl to work together better?  (see
>attached thread on the subject - comes from the MacPerl list
>>From: Angus McIntyre <angus@aegypt.demon.co.uk>
>>Subject: Re: [MacPerl] Bbedit as a text editor?
>>Yep. Nag Matthias for six months until he implements an 'external editor'
>>feature. <grin>
[much excerpted]

Angus has basically hit the nail on the head here; the one (partial)
exception I would take is with the statement regarding a CodeWarrior or
Symantec C-like level of integration, because this sort of thing, at
present, requires a lot of specific tweaks to do. In fact, adding support
for CW and Symantec has required quite a high level of effort, which we
cannot afford to expend in specifically integrating all things like
MacPerl, and various Java environments, and Python, and ...

However, as application functionality becomes more decoupled from the
interface, ie. there is more reliance on interaction via Apple Events,
instead of "knowing the innards", this becomes more feasible. In fact, if
MacPerl did provide sufficient OSA support, integrating it with BBEdit
would be a obvious step, and one that we would be interested in taking.

I hope that the above clarifies our perspective on this topic. Should you
have any related or other questions, please let us know.


 Patrick Woolsey  /  Director of Technical Services
Bare Bones Software, Inc.                  E-mail: support@barebones.com
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048               Fax: +1 508 651 7584
WWW:  http://www.barebones.com/                   Phone: +1 508 651 3561

Pris Sears
wk 540-231-4427