Hello, [I am very very new to MACs - have been working on Unix all the time - so please bear with me.] I am trying to add CGI capabilties to a MAC http server. For this I was told to download Mac PErl and PCGI. I have been able to download PCGI successfully; but I'm having problems downloading Mac PErl. I'm trying to download (March 13th version of) Mac Perl from the ftp site at UIUC using the Netscape browser on my Mac Centris 660AV (system 7). While downloading the file, it shows me a message "Will open with Mac BinaryII+" But after downlaoding it says it could not find Mac Binary||+. I searched and indeed didn't find any Mac BinaryII+ on my machine. (What is MAc Binary||+?) My question is , is there a Binhex compressed version of Mac PErl available somewhere? Please let me know asap. Is there any other way to download Mac Perl? Thanx, Tushar. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Tushar Desai | Ph : (H) (302) 368 9288 (W) 831 6307 | CIS Dept. | WWW: http://www.cis.udel.edu/~tdesai | Univ Of Delaware | Adr: 710 Lehigh Rd., Newark DE 19711 | ------------------------------------------------------------ Life is like a box of chocolates!