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Re: [MacPerl] droplets

A PERL droplet is an application. Macintosh applications effectively have
their datafork reserved. In particular, for PowerPC code in a native app.
Hence it is a better design to keep the script text in a resource than in
the datafork.

(Yes, I know that with a cfrg resource you can keep data in the datafork of
a native application. But that isn't going to help you edit droplets with a
text editor. You'd be better off having a text editor that recognized
droplets and edited the resource instead.)

Zalman Stern,  Caveman Programmer, Macromedia Video Products, (415) 378 4539
3 Waters Dr. #100, San Mateo CA, 94403,                zalman@macromedia.com
These things happen to other people. These things don't happen at all.--TMBG