PVHP@LNS62.LNS.CORNELL.EDU writes: } } Did you place 'routines_I_needl.pl' in the 'MacPerl f:lib:' folder ? It's not necessary if you've set up your library search path properly. In fact, it's not a good idea because you have to remember to pull all your stuff out of the lib folder before upgrading MacPerl. } } What I would like to know is - does "use" work? I seem to think it does not } (though it has been a while since I have been able to test this.) Of course it does. Most of my scripts would break if it didn't. libwww-perl-5 and Net::FTP both "use" modules, and I "use" them in my scripts. } Also - do hierachical modules get imported when the parent is used? e.g.: } } #!perl } use Foo; This would look for Foo.pm in @INC, pull in whatever packages are defined inside and import the names. But you have to remember it's "compile" time (equivalent to being done within a BEGIN block before anything else is done) and not run time, so you can't change @INC inside the script (which doesn't happen until run time). } $return0 = &Foo::Method(); } $return1 = &Method(); } } Should yield the same return values (note they are not necessarily new() object } refs) - Shouldn't they? Pretty sure they should, unless there's a name conflict. } } Peter Prymmer } pvhp@lns62.lns.cornell.edu } } --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA schinder@pjstoaster.pg.md.us