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[MacPerl] CGI problems

Hi, all!  I have searched the archive but haven't found answers to what are
probably quite frequent problems. Could someone help?


I am putting together a site which is entirely dependent on MacPerl scripts
saved as CGI applications. I would like to stop them from quitting after
the "five minutes of inactivity". This so as to avoid fragmenting RAM and
to prevent a user's request from reaching me at the moment of quitting and
being lost. I have tried using &MacPerl'Quit(0) but that doesn't seem to do
the trick.

Is there a way to do this?


Occasionally I find that one of the programs freezes, despite its having
worked perfectly before. Example: one of the programs puts up a random
quote on every reload of a page. It works, but unpredictably on an
arbitrary reload, the program freezes and I can't even quit the CGI
manually. I have to quit MacPerl and then quit the CGI. Sometimes the only
way I can get the CGI to quit is by restarting.

I realise that some of this may be due to my specific configuration, but I
doubt that, since this behaviour has recurred on extensive testing on both
an 8100 PowerMac and on the LC475 (68K) Mac. Both had sufficient RAM. Both
had servers running off the local hard disk. Both are running MacPerl 5.07
with the most recent MacHTTP CGI extension. A previous version of this same
suite of programs ran without a hitch under MacPerl 4.18 and the Feb 95 CGI

Is this a bug? Are there any thoughts on this, please?


Thanks to anyone for any reply. If there are significant direct replies to
me, I will collate them and post a summary.

Have a good weekend,

gauden galea

(for too long under construction)